Risk Management

Updated: 23 February 2024


Trainers’ House’s business is sensitive to economic fluctuations.

The general economic situation internationally and in Finland contains significant risks. The war in Europe, the tense world political situation and the possible expansion of the crisis can cause rapid changes in the operating environment.

Possible world trade restrictions and changes in the world political situation affect the exports of Finnish companies, which is reflected in the demand of the domestic market. The change in domestic market demand directly affects Trainers’ House’s business.

Compared to the level of the last decade, the high interest rate has a negative effect on economic activity. Inflation can also accelerate due to, for example, world political crises.

The constant competition for the best employees affects recruitment and the commitment of key personnel. From the company’s point of view, the labor market situation has eased over the past year.

The above-mentioned risks, when realized alone or together, have a significant impact on the company’s operations.

The company divides the risk factors affecting business, earnings, and market capitalization into five main categories: market and business risks, personnel-related risks, technology and information security risks, financial risks, and legal risks.

Trainers’ House has sought to hedge against the adverse effects of other risks with comprehensive insurance policies. These include statutory insurance, liability and property insurance and legal expenses insurance. Insurance coverage, insurance values and deductibles are reviewed annually together with the insurance company.

The Management Team reports to the Board on a monthly basis on key business-related risks and, where necessary, risk management measures. The Group has the reporting systems required for effective business monitoring. Internal control is linked to the company’s vision, strategic goals and the business goals set on the basis of them.


The realization of business objectives and the Group’s financial development are monitored on a monthly basis through the Group’s corporate governance system. As an essential part of the control system, actual data and up-to-date forecasts are reviewed monthly by the Group Management Team. The control system includes, among other things, sales reporting, an income statement, a rolling revenue and profit forecast, and key figures that are important to operations.


Trainers’ House is an expert organization. The magnitude of market and business risks is difficult to determine. Typical risks in this area are related to, for example, general economic development, customer distribution, technology choices, the development of competition and the management of personnel costs.

Risks are managed through the planning and regular monitoring of sales, human resources and operating expenses, which enables rapid action when circumstances change. The risks of trade receivables have been taken into account by the recognition of expenses based on the age of the receivables and individual risk analyzes.


The goal of Trainers’ House’s financial risk management is to secure the availability of equity and debt financing on competitive terms and to reduce the impact of adverse market movements on the Company’s operations. Financial risks are divided into four categories, which are liquidity, interest rate risks, currency risks and credit risks. Each risk is monitored separately. Liquidity and interest rate risks are reduced with sufficient cash resources and efficient collection of receivables. Currency risks are low as Trainers’ House operates primarily in the euro market. In financial risk management, the focus is on liquidity.


The success of Trainers’ House as an expert organization depends on its ability to attract and retain skilled staff. In addition to a competitive salary, personnel risks are managed through incentive schemes and investments in personnel training, career opportunities and general well-being.


Technology is a key part of Trainers’ House’s business. Technology risks include, but are not limited to, supplier risk, risks related to internal systems, challenges posed by technological change, and security risks. Risks are protected against long-term cooperation with technology suppliers, appropriate security systems, staff training and regular security audits.


Trainers’ House’s legal risks are mainly focused on the contractual relationship between the company and customers or service providers. At their most typical, they relate to delivery responsibility and the management of intellectual property rights. In order to manage the risks related to contracts and intellectual property rights, the company has internal guidelines for contractual procedures. In the company’s view, the contractual risks are not unusual.